How to Care for a Dog

Dogs are hardballs to take care of. So how do you take care of dogs? Keep on reading, and you’ll find out!


All dogs eat dog food, but there are some other foods they can eat, too!

What are some foods dogs can eat? Dog food, of course! But there are actually some other foods they can eat, too! Supposedly:



Chicken (NOT RAW)

Dog Food (Obviously)

Watermelon (But be cautious)

So, these are the top foods your dog can eat, but be cautious on Watermelon!

Bad foods wood be:

Salty snacks

Raw meat

Moldy food

Anything citrusy

Raw eggs

Note: The link citrusy leads to definition.

That’s it for food. Next Up:


Dogs are very intelligent!

Dogs love to do tricks and get treats. Some can be trained to hunt, and some are made for just basics: Stay, sit, roll over, etc. Lots of dogs know how to do this, but how? Training, of course! Here are some tips of how to train your dog:

Sit: To teach your dog to sit, hold a treat above your dog’s nose. Your dog will be forming the position. While he is doing it, say ‘sit’. When your dog is sitting, give him a treat! Repeat this a few more times, and soon your dog will know the command!

Stay: To teach your dog to stay, you must have a leash. Put the leash on him and hold the leash. Go a few steps away from him, count to three, and come back. If your dog comes to you in the process, try again. If he stayed, give him a treat! Repeat this until he learns the command.

Roll Over: To teach your dog to roll over, have a dog treat hidden inside your fist. Have your dog sniff your fist, and once he discovers it’s a treat, circle your fist around his face. If he rolls over, reveal the treat. Keep on doing this until he learns the command: Roll over.

Note: There is a much better chance your dog will roll over if he is lying down.


Puppies have much more energy than fully grown dogs.

Exercise is really important, so your dog is in tip-top shape. Dogs are very social, so if your parents have work, and you go to school, your dog might need a buddy!

Fetch is one of the most common games dogs love to play! But to get your dog to play properly, you must train him to play fetch. Here is a link to help you get started: How to Teach a Dog to Fetch: 6 Steps (with Pictures) – wikiHow.

Puppies are more energetic than dogs, so make sure your puppy gets tired sooner than later. Because puppies need lots and lots of rest!

To know how to make your dog rest, check this link: How to Keep a Dog on Crate Rest Entertained | HuffPost.

Health Problems

Dogs are very loyal and are commonly used as therapy dogs.

Dogs have health problems. And it is the last thing you want happening to your dog. If you were to find out what CHP a dog has (CHP shortens ‘common health problems’.) then here is a list:

  • Ear Infections
  • Worms
  • Hot Spots
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Cancer

To know more about dog sickness, visit this site: Top 10 Signs Your Dog May Be Sick (and What You Can Do About It) (


See the source image
Dogs are very sensitive, so be careful of what you say to them!

Dogs can have many types of personalities, but the most common are:

  • Sensitive
  • Protective
  • Aggressive
  • Timid
  • Happy

To train your dog to behave, visit this site: Dog Training Basics : How to Get Your Dog to Behave

That’s it! Please help us and animals to make everyone happy!
